About Us

Mayor: Jessica Brown
Council Members:
Thomas Bacon
Garrett VanZant
Kalli Nicholson
Sadie Dugan
Garratt Locke
Janet Grace - City Clerk
Amy Brown - Deputy Clerk
Chris Brumley - Maintenance Tech
Seth Brown - Fire Chief
The City Council usually meets on the first Monday of the month at City Hall at 6:30 pm (excluding legal holidays). In the event the first Monday of the month is a legal holiday, council meets that Tuesday.
City Office Hours:
Mondays: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Tuesdays: 7:30 am - 11:30 am
Attention South Haven residents! Please complete water line survey if you have not already! Click the icon "HERE" above!
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued regulations requiring all public water supply (PWS) systems to develop a Lead Service Line Inventory (LSLI) of both water system owned and your privately owned service lines. While these contaminants are not in the source water, they can enter tap water through the corrosion of service line piping and older household plumbing materials.
We will be contacting you in the near future to ask you to answer some questions about your home service lines. Please take the time to respond to these inquiries.
Additional information on the Lead and Copper Rule and identifying lead pipes and plumbing can be found on the KDHE website at or at the EPA website at